from the Supreme Court of Vermont
See other cases from Vermont.
Petition DENIED. (orders list)
Reply of petitioner Lisa Miller-Jenkins filed. (Distributed)
Brief amicus curiae of Commonwealth of Virginia filed.
Brief of respondent Janet Miller-Jenkins in opposition filed.
Order extending time to file response to petition to and including March 26, 2007.
Waiver of right of respondent Theodore A. Parisi, Jr. to respond filed.
Waiver of right of respondent I.M.J. to respond filed.
Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 12, 2007)
Lisa Miller-Jenkins, Petitioner, represented by Mathew D. Staver
I.M.J., Respondent, represented by David L. Cleary
Janet Miller-Jenkins, Respondent, represented by Gary D. Buseck
Theodore A. Parisi, Jr., Respondent, represented by Theodore A. Parisi Jr.
Commonwealth of Virginia, Amicus Curiae, represented by William E. Thro