from the Supreme Court of South Carolina
See other cases from South Carolina.
Petition DENIED.
Reply of petitioner Clinton Brantley filed.
Brief of respondents Ira Banks, Vernon Holmes, and the Estate of James C. Bell in opposition filed.
Order further extending time to file response to petition to and including July 18, 2014.
Order extending time to file response to petition to and including June 16, 2014.
Response Requested . (Due May 15, 2014)
Waiver of right of respondents Ira Banks, et al. to respond filed.
Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 4, 2014)
Clinton Brantley, Petitioner, represented by Weston Adams III.
Ira Banks, Vernon Holmes, and the Estate of James C.Bell, Respondent, represented by Thomas O. Sanders IV.