
No. 22-238

Charter Day School, Inc., et al. v. Bonnie Peltier, as Guardian of A. P., a Minor Child, et al.

from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

See other cases from the Fourth Circuit.

Docket Entries

Petition DENIED.

DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/22/2023.

Supplemental brief of petitioners Charter Day School, Inc., et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of United States filed.

The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief in this case expressing the views of the United States.

DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/6/2023.

Reply of petitioners Charter Day School, Inc., et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief of respondents Bonnie Peltier, as Guardian of A. P., a Minor Child, et al. in opposition filed.

Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted in part and the time is further extended to and including December 7, 2022.

Motion to extend the time to file a response from November 14, 2022 to December 13, 2022, submitted to The Clerk.

Brief amici curiae of Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, et al. filed.

Brief amicus curiae of Great Hearts Academies filed.

Brief amici curiae of Timothy K. Moore, Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, et al. filed.

Brief amicus curiae of Independent Women's Law Center filed.

Brief amicus curiae of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, Inc. filed.

Brief amici curiae of Texas, et al. filed.

Brief amicus curiae of John Locke Foundation filed.

Blanket Consent filed by Petitioner, Charter Day School, Inc., et al.

Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due October 14, 2022)


Charter Day School, Inc., et al., Petitioner, represented by Aaron Michael Streett

Amici Curiae

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, Inc., Amicus Curiae, represented by Noel John Francisco

Great Hearts Academies, Amicus Curiae, represented by Gordon Dwyer Todd

Independent Women's Law Center, Amicus Curiae, represented by Kathryn Elizabeth Tarbert

Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, Islam & Religious Freedom Action Team of the Religious Freedom Institute, and Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic, Amicus Curiae, represented by John Archer Meiser

John Locke Foundation, Amicus Curiae, represented by Robert Daniel Gibson

The States of Texas, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, Amicus Curiae, represented by Judd Edward Stone II

Timothy K. Moore, Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, and Philip E. Berger, President Pro Tempore of the North Carolina Senate, Amicus Curiae, represented by Jonathan Yates Ellis

United States, Amicus Curiae, represented by Elizabeth B. Prelogar

Last updated: March 25, 2025