
No. 23-306

The TriZetto Group, Inc., et al. v. Syntel Sterling Best Shores Mauritius Limited, et al.

from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

See other cases from the Second Circuit.

Docket Entries

Petition DENIED.

Brief amicus curiae of American Intellectual Property Law Association filed. (Distributed)

DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 10/27/2023.

Waiver of right of respondent Syntel Sterling Best Shores Mauritius Limited, et al. to respond filed.

Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due October 26, 2023)

Application (23A122) granted by Justice Sotomayor extending the time to file until September 22, 2023.

Application (23A122) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from August 23, 2023 to September 22, 2023, submitted to Justice Sotomayor.


The TriZetto Group, Inc., et al., Petitioner, represented by John Caviness O'Quinn

Syntel Sterling Best Shores Mauritius Limited, et al., Respondent, represented by Kannon K. Shanmugam

Amici Curiae

American Intellectual Property Law Association, Amicus Curiae, represented by Troy Edwin Grabow

Last updated: January 23, 2025