
No. 23-719

Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, et al.

from the Supreme Court of Colorado

See other cases from Colorado.

Docket Entries

Motion for leave to intervene filed by Chris Sevier DENIED.

Motion for leave to file amici brief filed by United States Justice Foundation and Policy Issues Institute, Inc. DENIED.

Argued. For petitioner: Jonathan F. Mitchell, Austin, Tex. For respondents Anderson, et al.: Jason C. Murray, Denver, Colo. For respondent Griswold: Shannon W. Stevenson, Solicitor General, Denver, Colo.

Amicus brief of United States Justice Foundation & Policy Issues Institute, Inc. submitted.

Motion of Terpsehore “Tore” Maras and Eligible Voters of All 50 States and 1 Territory for leave to participate in oral argument and for divided argument not accepted for filing. (February 07, 2024)

Reply of Colorado Republican State Central Committee in support of reversal submitted.

Reply of petitioner Donald J. Trump filed. (Distributed)

Reply of respondent Colorado Republican State Central Committee in support of reversal filed. (Distributed)

Motion of Terpsehore “Tore” Maras and Eligible Voters of All 50 States and 1 Territory for leave to participate in oral argument and for divided argument submitted.

Reply of Donald J. Trump submitted.

Motion of David Boyle for leave to participate in oral argument and for divided argument submitted.

Motion of Professor Seth Barrett Tillman for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae, for divided argument, and for enlargement of time for oral argument DENIED.

Motion of David Boyle for leave to participate in oral argument and for divided argument not accepted for filing. (February 06, 2024)

Motion for divided argument and enlargement of time for oral argument filed by respondent GRANTED IN PART, a total of 80 minutes is allotted, and the time is divided as follows: 40 minutes for petitioner, 30 minutes for respondents Anderson, et al., and 10 minutes for respondent Griswold.

Brief amici curiae of Former Republican Members of Congress filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of David P. Cullenberg, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Retired State Supreme Court Justices filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Former Colorado Secretary of State Mary Estill Buchanan filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Jordan L. Michelson filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Michael T. Worley filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Josh Autry filed. (Distributed)

Brief of respondent Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Jeremy Bates filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of David B. Tatge filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Professor Edward J. Larson filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of United States Justice Foundation & Policy Issues Institute, Inc. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Constitutional Law Professor Mark A. Graber filed. (Feb. 7, 2024) (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Professor David M. Driesen, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Capitol Police Officers Present at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of San Francisco Taxpayers Association, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Professor Sherrilyn Ifill filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Experts in Democracy filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Constitutional Accountability Center filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Professor Ilya Somin filed. (Distributed)

Brief of respondent Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of Jeremy Bates submitted.

Amicus brief of David B. Tatge submitted.

Amicus brief of Professor Edward J. Larson submitted.

Amicus brief of United States Justice Foundation & Policy Issues Institute, Inc. submitted.

Amicus brief of Jordan L. Michelson submitted.

Amicus brief of Professor Ilya Somin submitted.

Amicus brief of Professor David M. Driesen, et al. submitted.

Amicus brief of Capitol Police Officers Present at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 submitted.

Amicus brief of San Francisco Taxpayers Association, The Honorable Pete McCloskey & The Honorable Quentin L. Kopp submitted.

Amicus brief of Experts in Democracy submitted.

Amicus brief of Professor Sherrilyn Ifill submitted.

Amicus brief of David B. Tatge not accepted for filing. (January 31, 2024--correct files to be resubmitted electronically.)

Motion of Chris Sevier for leave to intervene DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/16/2024.

Amicus brief of David P. Cullenberg, Bryant "Corky" Messner, William C. Saturley submitted.

Amicus brief of Retired State Supreme Court Justices submitted.

Brief of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold submitted.

Amicus brief of Former Republican Members of Congress submitted.

Amicus brief of Josh Autry submitted.

Amicus brief of Former Colorado Secretary of State Mary Estill Buchanan submitted.

Response of Norma Anderson, et al. to motion submitted.

Amicus brief of Constitutional Law Professor Mark A. Graber submitted.

Amicus brief of Michael T. Worley submitted.

Amicus brief of Constitutional Accountability Center submitted.

Motion DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/16/2024.

Motion for leave to file amici brief out of time filed by United States Justice Foundation and Policy Issues Institute, Inc. (Feb. 7, 2024) (Distributed)

Motion for leave to file amici brief out of time filed by United States Justice Foundation & Policy Issues Institute, Inc. (Feb. 7, 2024) (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Professor Kermit Roosevelt filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Former Republican Governors filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of Professor Kermit Roosevelt submitted.

Amicus brief of Marc Racicot, William Weld, Christine Todd Whitman submitted.

Amicus brief of Common Cause submitted.

Response of Norma Anderson, et al. to motion submitted.

Amicus brief of Floyd Abrams, Bruce Ackerman, Maryam Ahranjani, Lee C. Bollinger, Erwin Chemerinsky, Alan Chen, Kent Greenfield, Martha Minow, and Geoffrey R. Stone submitted.

Amicus brief of Professors Carol Anderson and Ian Farrell submitted.

Brief amicus curiae of Common Cause filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Floyd Abrams, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Professors Carol Anderson, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of J. Michael Luttig, Peter Keisler, Larry Thompson, Stuart Gerson, Donald Ayer, et. al. submitted.

Amicus brief of American Historians submitted.

Motion of Professor Seth Barrett Tillman for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae, for divided argument, and for enlargement of time for oral argument filed.

Brief amici curiae of American Historians filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of J. Michael Luttig, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Brian J. Martin filed. (Distributed)

Motion of Professor Seth Barrett Tillman for leave to participate in oral argument and for divided argument submitted.

Amicus brief of Brian J. Martin submitted.

Brief of respondents Norma Anderson, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Professors Orville Vernon Burton, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of Professors Orville Vernon Burton, Allan J. Lichtman, Nell Irwin Painter, James M. McPherson, Manisha Sinha, et. al. submitted.

Motion of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold for divided argument submitted.

Brief of Norma Anderson, et al. submitted.

Motion for divided argument and for enlargement of time for oral argument filed by respondent Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State.

Motion for divided argument and for enlargement of time for oral argument filed by respondent Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold.

Corrected Amicus Brief on Behalf of Gavin M. Wax, New York Young Republican Club Inc., and National Constitutional Law Union Inc. of Gavin M. Wax, New York Young Republican Club Inc., and National Constitutional Law Union Inc. submitted.

Brief amicus curiae of G. Antaeus B. Edelsohn filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of G. Antaeus B. Edelsohn submitted.

Joint appendix filed (4 volumes). (Distributed)

Joint appendix filed (4 volumes). Distributed.

Joint Appendix not accepted for filing. (January 24, 2024-complete filing resubmitted electronically.)

Joint Appendix submitted.

Motion to extend the time to file joint appendix granted and the time is extended to and including Tuesday, January 23, 2024.

Brief amici curiae of Brennan Center for Justice, Protect Democracy, Campaign Legal Center, League of Women Voters in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Gavin M. Wax, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Gavin M. Wax, New York Young Republican Club Inc., et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of America's Future, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of The Secretaries of State of Missouri, et al. in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief of petitioner Donald J. Trump filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida, Inc. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Kansas filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of U.S. Term Limits in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese III, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Professors and Legal Scholars in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Kansas Republican Party and 32 Other State and Territorial Republican Parties filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Larry Kidd filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Professor James T. Lindgren filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Edward B. Foley, et al. in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Brennan Center for Justice, et al. in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Terpsehore “Tore” Maras, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Akhil Reed Amar, et al. in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Indiana, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of The Honorable Peter Meijer filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of David Boyle in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Edward B. Foley, Benjamin L. Ginsberg, and Richard L. Hasen in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Former United States Attorneys Robert S. Brewer, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of James Madison Center for Free Speech filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and 177 Other Members of Congress filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Derek T. Muller in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Judicial Watch, Inc. and Allied Educational Foundation filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of The Association of the Bar of the City of New York in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Senator Steve Daines & National Republican Senatorial Committee filed. (Distributed)

Brief of respondent Colorado Republican State Central Committee filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of David Boyle submitted.

Amicus brief of Chuck Gray, Secretary of State of Wyoming submitted.

Amicus brief of Terpsehore “Tore” Maras and Eligible Voters of All 50 States and 1 Territory submitted.

Brief of Donald J. Trump submitted.

Amicus brief of Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese III, Michael B. Mukasey and William P. Barr; Law Professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson; Citizens United and Citizens United Foundation submitted.

Amicus brief of NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund submitted.

Amicus brief of Gavin M. Wax, New York Young Republican Club Inc., and National Constitutional Law Union Inc. submitted.

Amicus brief of Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida, Inc. submitted.

Amicus brief of Kansas submitted.

Amicus brief of America's Future, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, Gun Owners of California, Inc., Heller Foundation, Tennessee Firearms Association, Tennessee Firearms Foundation, Inc., Public Advocate of the United States, U.S. Constitutional Rights Legal Defense Fund, Constitution Party National Committee, and Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund submitted.

Amicus brief of Professors and Legal Scholars submitted.

Amicus brief of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson submitted.

Amicus brief of The Secretaries of State of Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia submitted.

Amicus brief of U.S. Term Limits submitted.

Amicus brief of States of Indiana, West Virginia, 25 Other States, and the Arizona Legislature submitted.

Amicus brief of Former United States Attorneys submitted.

Amicus brief of Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee submitted.

Amicus brief of Senator Steve Daines & National Republican Senatorial Committee submitted.

Amicus brief of Brennan Center for Justice, Protect Democracy, Campaign Legal Center, League of Women Voters submitted.

Amicus brief of Professor James T. Lindgren submitted.

Amicus brief of The Association of the Bar of the City of New York submitted.

Amicus brief of Derek T. Muller submitted.

Amicus brief of Larry Kidd submitted.

Amicus brief of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and 177 Other Members of Congress submitted.

Amicus brief of Kansas Republican Party and 32 Other State and Territorial Republican Parties submitted.

Amicus brief of Edward B. Foley, Benjamin L. Ginsberg, and Richard L. Hasen submitted.

Amicus brief of James Madison Center for Free Speech submitted.

Amicus brief of Condemned USA submitted.

Amicus brief of Judicial Watch, Inc. and Allied Educational Foundation submitted.

Amicus brief of Akhil Reed Amar and Vikram David Amar submitted.

Amicus brief of The Honorable Peter Meijer submitted.

Brief amicus curiae of Chuck Gray, Secretary of State of Wyoming filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Condemned USA filed. (Distributed)

Motion for an extension of time to file the joint appendix filed.

Brief amicus curiae of Pearl O. Madrial filed. (Distributed)

Brief of respondent Colorado Republican State Central Committee in support of reversal filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Children's Rights Legal Scholars and Advocates in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief of Colorado Republican State Central Committee submitted.

Amicus brief of 102 Colorado Registered Electors submitted.

Brief amicus curiae of The Claremont Institute's Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of Pearl O. Madrial submitted.

Amicus brief of Jack Coben submitted.

Amicus brief of Devin Watkins and Charles Watkins submitted.

Amicus brief of The League for Sportsmen, Law Enforcement and Defense submitted.

Amicus brief of Children's Rights Legal Scholars and Advocates submitted.

Motion of Donald J. Trump for an extension of time submitted.

Amicus brief of The Claremont Institute's Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence submitted.

Brief amici curiae of 102 Colorado Registered Electors filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Devin Watkins and Charles Watkins filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Jack Coben in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of The League for Sportsmen, Law Enforcement and Defense filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of Professor Kurt T. Lash filed. (Distributed)

Brief amici curiae of Ryan Binkley, Binkley for President 2024, et al. in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)

Brief amicus curiae of William Jones filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of Professor Kurt T. Lash submitted.

Brief amici curiae of Public Interest Legal Foundation, et al. filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of Public Interest Legal Foundation and Hans von Spakovsky submitted.

Amicus brief of Ryan Binkley, Binkley for President 2024, Wisconsin Voter Alliance, Pure Integrity Michigan Elections, and Michigan Fair Elections submitted.

Amicus brief of William Jones submitted.

Record received electronically from the Denver District Court and available with the Clerk.

Brief amicus curiae of David E. Weisberg filed. (Distributed)

Amicus brief of David E. Weisberg submitted.

Any motion pertaining to the oral argument in this case shall be filed on or before Monday, January 29, 2024.


Motion for leave to intervene filed by Chris Sevier.

Brief amicus curiae of Vivek Ramaswamy filed. (Distributed)

Record requested from the Denver District Court.

Motion of Chris Sevier for leave to intervene filed.

Brief amicus curiae of Landmark Legal Foundation filed. (Distributed)

Record received electronically from the Supreme Court of Colorado and available with the Clerk.

Brief amicus curiae of Professor Seth Barrett Tillman filed. (Distributed)

Record requested from the Supreme Court of Colorado.

Brief amici curiae of Indiana, West Virginia, 25 Other States, and the Arizona Legislature filed.

Brief amici curiae of Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee filed.

Petition GRANTED. The case is set for oral argument on Thursday, February 8, 2024. Petitioner’s brief on the merits, and any amicus curiae briefs in support or in support of neither party, are to be filed on or before Thursday, January 18, 2024. Respondents’ briefs on the merits, and any amicus curiae briefs in support, are to be filed on or before Wednesday, January 31, 2024. The reply brief, if any, is to be filed on or before 5 p.m., Monday, February 5 2024.

Letter from counsel for respondent Colorado Republican State Central Committee filed.

Brief in response to the petition for a writ of certiorari of respondent Norma Anderson, et al. filed.

Brief amici curiae of Senator Steve Daines & National Republican Senatorial Committee filed. VIDED.

Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due February 5, 2024)


Donald J. Trump, Petitioner, represented by Jonathan F. Mitchell

Donald J. Trump, Petitioner, represented by David Alan Warrington

Colorado Republican State Central Committee, Respondent, represented by Jay Alan Sekulow

Colorado Republican State Central Committee in support of reversal, Respondent, represented by Jay Alan Sekulow

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, Respondent, represented by Shannon Wells Stevenson

Norma Anderson, et al., Respondent, represented by Jason Clifford Murray

Amici Curiae

102 Colorado Registered Electors, Amicus Curiae, represented by J. Gregory Troutman

Akhil Reed Amar and Vikram David Amar, Amicus Curiae, represented by Vikram David Amar

American Historians, Amicus Curiae, represented by Jonathan B. Miller

Brennan Center for Justice, Protect Democracy, Campaign Legal Center, League of Women Voters, Amicus Curiae, represented by Michelle Shane Kallen

Brian J. Martin, Amicus Curiae, represented by Wallace K. Lightsey

Capitol Police Officers Present at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Amicus Curiae, represented by Lauren Margaret Blas

Children's Rights Legal Scholars and Advocates, Amicus Curiae, represented by Julia Ann Olson

Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida, Inc., Amicus Curiae, represented by Dennis Grossman

Chuck Gray, Secretary of State of Wyoming, Amicus Curiae, represented by Judd Edward Stone II

Common Cause, Amicus Curiae, represented by Gregory L. Diskant

Constitutional Accountability Center, Amicus Curiae, represented by Brianne Jenna Gorod

Constitutional Law Professor Mark A. Graber, Amicus Curiae, represented by Nelson Boyle

David Boyle, Amicus Curiae, represented by David Christopher Boyle

David B. Tatge, Amicus Curiae, represented by David Bruce Tatge

David E. Weisberg, Amicus Curiae, represented by David E. Weisberg

David P. Cullenberg, Bryant "Corky" Messner, William C. Saturley, Amicus Curiae, represented by Robert A. Stein

Derek T. Muller, Amicus Curiae, represented by Heather Gebelin Hacker

Devin Watkins and Charles Watkins, Amicus Curiae, represented by Charles Devin Watkins

Edward B. Foley, Benjamin L. Ginsberg, and Richard L. Hasen, Amicus Curiae, represented by Michael B. Kimberly

Experts in Democracy, Amicus Curiae, represented by John Vail

Floyd Abrams, Bruce Ackerman, Maryam Ahranjani, Lee C. Bollinger, Erwin Chemerinsky, Alan Chen, Kent Greenfield, Martha Minow, and Geoffrey R. Stone, Amicus Curiae, represented by Steven A. Hirsch

Former Colorado Secretary of State Mary Estill Buchanan, Amicus Curiae, represented by Michael Adam Caplan

Former Republican Members of Congress, Amicus Curiae, represented by Faith Elizabeth Gay

G. Antaeus B. Edelsohn, Amicus Curiae, represented by Joan Deborah Bolinsky Edelsohn

Jack Coben, Amicus Curiae, represented by Larry E. Coben

James Madison Center for Free Speech, Amicus Curiae, represented by James Bopp Jr.

Jeremy Bates, Amicus Curiae, represented by Jeremy Charles Bates

J. Michael Luttig, Peter Keisler, Larry Thompson, Stuart Gerson, Donald Ayer, et. al., Amicus Curiae, represented by Richard Douglas Bernstein

Jordan L. Michelson, Amicus Curiae, represented by Anthony R. Zelle

Josh Autry, Amicus Curiae, represented by Joshua Michael Autry

Judicial Watch, Inc. and Allied Educational Foundation, Amicus Curiae, represented by Robert D. Popper

Kansas Republican Party and 31 Other State and Territorial Republican Parties, Amicus Curiae, represented by Craig Lee Uhrich

Landmark Legal Foundation, Amicus Curiae, represented by Michael James O'Neill

Larry Kidd, Amicus Curiae, represented by Larry James Obhof Jr.

Marc Racicot, William Weld, Christine Todd Whitman, Amicus Curiae, represented by Jeffrey A. Mandell

Michael T. Worley, Amicus Curiae, represented by Burt M. Rublin

Pearl O. Madrial, Amicus Curiae, represented by Harold Emmett Lucas Jr.

Professor David M. Driesen et al., Amicus Curiae, represented by David M. Driesen

Professor David M. Driesen, et al., Amicus Curiae, represented by David M. Driesen

Professor Edward J. Larson, Amicus Curiae, represented by Joseph Carl Cecere

Professor Ilya Somin, Amicus Curiae, represented by Gerson H. Smoger

Professor James T. Lindgren, Amicus Curiae, represented by Benjamin Michael Flowers

Professor Kermit Roosevelt, Amicus Curiae, represented by Robert S. Peck

Professor Kurt T. Lash, Amicus Curiae, represented by Christopher E. Mills

Professors and Legal Scholars, Amicus Curiae, represented by Mari Newman

Professors Carol Anderson and Ian Farrell, Amicus Curiae, represented by Anna Estelle Cayton Holland Edwards

Professor Seth Barrett Tillman, Amicus Curiae, represented by Joshua Michael Blackman

Professor Sherrilyn Ifill, Amicus Curiae, represented by Sherrilyn Ann Ifill

Professors Orville Vernon Burton, Allan J. Lichtman, Nell Irwin Painter, James M. McPherson, Manisha Sinha, et. al., Amicus Curiae, represented by Michael J. Kasper

Public Interest Legal Foundation and Hans von Spakovsky, Amicus Curiae, represented by John Christian Adams

Republican National Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee, Amicus Curiae, represented by Patrick Strawbridge

Retired State Supreme Court Justices, Amicus Curiae, represented by Ronald Andrew Fein

Ryan Binkley, Binkley for President 2024, Wisconsin Voter Alliance, Pure Integrity Michigan Elections, and Michigan Fair Elections, Amicus Curiae, represented by Erick G. Kaardal

San Francisco Taxpayers Association, The Honorable Pete McCloskey & The Honorable Quentin L. Kopp, Amicus Curiae, represented by Paul D. Scott

Senator Steve Daines & National Republican Senatorial Committee, Amicus Curiae, represented by John Matthew Gore

States of Indiana, West Virginia, 25 Other States, and the Arizona Legislature, Amicus Curiae, represented by James Allen Barta

Terpsehore “Tore” Maras and Eligible Voters of All 50 States and 1 Territory, Amicus Curiae, represented by Warner DeWitt Mendenhall

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Amicus Curiae, represented by Susan J. Kohlmann

The Claremont Institute's Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, Amicus Curiae, represented by John Choon Yoo

The Honorable Peter Meijer, Amicus Curiae, represented by Charles Robert Spies

The League for Sportsmen, Law Enforcement and Defense, Amicus Curiae, represented by Earl Neville Mayfield III

United States Justice Foundation & Policy Issues Institute, Inc., Amicus Curiae, represented by Chad Dustin Morgan

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and 177 Other Members of Congress, Amicus Curiae, represented by R. Trent McCotter

Vivek Ramaswamy, Amicus Curiae, represented by Jonathan Philip Lienhard

William Jones, Amicus Curiae, represented by Stephen Yagman

Last updated: March 26, 2025